
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Recording for Apple Website

This week we have Apple in school recording audio and taking shots for a feature on the school.

Today some of our class were being interviewed to hear their comments on what a year we've had with iPad in school.

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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Fruit Bouquet Day!

As part of our Middle School project on 'How Can I Improve What I Eat?' today we were making fruit bouquets.

We were so pleased to have a visit from Mrs McKenzie-Smith and Mrs Speirs who often make these for friends birthdays and special occasions. We chose a variety of soft fruits and in our teams, helped build an enormous fruit bouquet!

Can you come and see it?

Sorry, we ate it!

But we did take some great photos as evidence!

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Monday, June 20, 2011

Fruit and Veg Research

This term in Middle School we are looking at the question 'How Can I Improve What I Eat?

Today we are looking at all sorts of interesting fruit and veg. We are researching them: 'How Did This Come To Be In Glasgow?'

Once we have done this our teams are creating surveys to see how well the rest of Cedars School know their fruit and veg.

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P7 Leaflets on New Qualifications

Today I have sent home leaflets to P7 children detailing the changes to National qualifications that will affect these children in a few years time. These changes will be discussed in more detail at our information evening in September.

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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

R.E prizes

This morning we were congratulating P7 in assembly as they received their bible presentation at the end of the RE block for this session. We also had the presentation of the RE prize to Toby who was delighted to receive the shield for RE for this session.
Well done Toby!

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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

What A Show!

Last Friday was the final night of our Narnia play in the Town Hall.
The play was a great success. Over 1500 people saw the play over the two nights and it created a buzz around the town. Everyone who saw the play was amazed by the quality of the production and the enthusiasm of the children.
We are all so proud of the children, P6/7 in particular were super and I think the 'dwarfs' thoroughly enjoyed pushing their teacher around a bit!
Thanks to all parents for all help with props, makeup, choir, costumes and bringing increasingly tired children to rehearsals and performances. I'm sure you'll agree they did you all proud!


Welcome to Middle School!

This week we are beginning the new draft timetable for children from P6-S5. This will enable us to ensure that children are working right to the end of term and use this time in order to begin new coursework and check that the timetable will run smoothly when the new session starts in August.

As part of the new timetable, and in tandem with the new Curriculum for Excellence we are altering the structure of the school slightly to ensure continuity and progression from primary to secondary departments and to develop the potential of extending learning through inter-disciplinary projects.

These changes will mainly affect children from P7-S2 which will now be known as 'middle school.' These children will have secondary classes as previously but also experience a component of inter-disciplinary activities and projects.

We are very excited about the project and hope it will lead to depth, continuity, progression and relevance in our learning across these years which precede exam courses.

We will be holding an information evening in September for parents on 'A Curriculum for Excellence' which will include details of middle school and information on the new exam structure which will come into place in Scotland.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Descriptive Writing!

Here are some of our talking head puppet animations of the descriptive writing we did last week. Look out for some great similes and metaphors!

Please post a comment to tell us the simile or metaphor you like the best!

Super Dress Rehearsal!

Today we are arriving at school tired, some children are even arriving late, or not at all, but for once that's alright!

Last night we had a very successful rehearsal for this week's play the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe in the Town Hall. As you can see from the pictures the lighting, costumes and make-up are magnificent and all the children were superb as animals, fawns and baddies!

We are really looking forward to the play and as it requires the children to have a number of very late nights this week we quite understand parents wishing to keep them at home or send them in slightly late to conserve energy for the play.

The next big rehearsal is on Wednesday night. If children could be there for 6pm that would be great as we aim to start the play at 6.30pm.

You may want to keep an eye on the Greenock Telegraph this week as they are hopefully printing some picture from the rehearsals.

Tickets are selling very well but there will still be plenty of room for anyone who wishes to purchase tickets on the door on Thursday or Friday.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Writing Book!

Primary 4/5 have been working on a project called 'How Do I Become An Author?' As part of this project the class have produced a book containing stories from every child in the Primary Department. The have called the book 'Imagine'.

The pupils have worked extremely hard on this production and are delighted with what they have achieved. The book is currently at the publishers and should be back with us in 6-8 days. The book will be sold through the school and also through the New Dawn Bookshop on Jamaica Street.

We hope that you will enjoy reading our stories.

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Visitors from Greece!

Today in P 6/7 we enjoyed a visit from some teachers from Doukas school in Athens. They came in to talk to us about the iPad.

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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Healthy Walks - Lyle Hill

P4-7 will be walking from the school to the top of Lyle Hill and back tomorrow morning. Please wear trip uniform and bring a snack.

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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Descriptive Writing

Today we are trying to improve our descriptive writing. We are looking at metaphors, similes and personification. We chose a picture and used it as as stimulus for writing creative descriptions of our own. They're not quite finished yet but coming on well. Here is the start of Mete's, accompanied by the picture stimulus.

It was dark, dark in such a way it cancelled out all other definitions of dark. Black clouds shrouding over the wet, soggy land, thunder roaring out like the heavens themselves were clearing they're throat. Rain was being coughed down onto the filthy, mud-slapped ground. The eerie trees bending in the cold violent wind, heaving helplessly from the overwhelming strike of they're master, the wind.

Cart tracks were carved into the face of the road, like an ugly, unforgiving scar of dirt. A weak little cottage sang as the rain clinked off the red mossy tiles of the roof. It tapped away at the window pains adding a clack clack clack to the clink clink clink. This strange melody was an auxiliary to the small pool of light pouring out of the stable, poking a small hole in the ominous atmosphere that was relentlessly assailing it.

By Mete

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Saturday, May 28, 2011

Monday :)

On Monday we have a big play rehearsal at the Town Hall. Children should come to school on the Monday in trip uniform as we will be having a Narnia rehearsal. Children should be dropped off and picked up from the school at the usual times. Please send in any additional costume items with your child on the Monday as we are having a full dress rehearsal in the Town Hall. Children will be given the opportunity to buy a packed lunch for £3 from Mrs Parkinson, so money can be brought as normal. Please remember to buy your tickets for the play and bring everyone you know! :)

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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Gymkhana Pictures!

Here are more fantastic pictures of our gymkhana day today! Thanks to Katie's dad for them!

Gymkhana Fun!

Today was our inaugural Gymkhana at Ingliston Equestrian Centre. It was a fantastic day enjoyed by P2-7 children and around 70 parents and relatives. We had great fun, lovely food and an all round fantastic day. Huge thanks to all parent for coming and to Josie, Mhairi and the staff at Ingliston for making today such a success.
Also special congratulations to Ardgowan house team who won the trophy by a very narrow margin from the excellent teams of Lyle and Rankin. Well done all!

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