This morning P6/7 were taking part in auditions for the Narnia play which is coming up in June of this year.
We are starting rehearsals this month after receiving qualified acceptance of our script from Douglas Gresham, the stepson of CS Lewis, who wrote the Narnia stories.
Miss Oakley, our secondary drama teacher, Miss Black from the Primary department, Dr Rankin, the secondary language teacher and Stuart Smith, our Head Boy and a keen actor, conducted the auditions. The children were heard reading a script they had not seen and also had to sing a song from the school choir repertoire. It was a daunting experience and the children all did very well. They were scored individually by each of the panel of teachers, and Stuart who then compared scores. All the children will have a part in the play and we were so encouraged by their enthusiasm to take part.
Whilst the auditions were on Mr Jewell and Mrs Crosby were letting the Primary children have a first listen to the songs from the play.
What a lot of hard work lies ahead!