Today was the culmination of two months of topic work and lots of homework. P6/7 were absolutely superb in presenting their models, presentations and ideas to over 100 people at our exhibition today.

The event was photographed for the local paper and visited by 25 Danish educationalists and politicians who were visiting the school today. We also enjoyed the visits of many parents, friends and relatives, as well as a number of people who just popped in after coffee in the coffee shop.

All our visitors were mightily impressed. The Danish delegation were blown away by the confidence and fluency with which the children presented their ideas. Other visitors spoke of how high the standard was and one gentleman asked for a photocopy of some of Isabella's presentation.

The competition was judged by 5 independent judges, Miss Bell, our science teacher, Miss Oakley, our art teacher, David Ostrowski, currently studying engineering at Glasgow University and a former Head Boy, Mr Speirs, our IT teacher, and Scott Gage, managing director of Ecosse Joinery, one of the sponsors of the event.

The results were close but the winners were
1st Toby Neilson
2nd Aimee Jewell
3rd Ruaraidh MacKinnon

Well done to all winners but also to all the class. All the staff were so proud of their achievements and hard work. Some of the children today will be presenting from the Apple / XMA stand at this years' Scottish Learning Festival in September and this was excellent practice for them.
You can view a time lapse video of the day on our YouTube channel here
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