Today we are arriving at school tired, some children are even arriving late, or not at all, but for once that's alright!
Last night we had a very successful rehearsal for this week's play the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe in the Town Hall. As you can see from the pictures the lighting, costumes and make-up are magnificent and all the children were superb as animals, fawns and baddies!

We are really looking forward to the play and as it requires the children to have a number of very late nights this week we quite understand parents wishing to keep them at home or send them in slightly late to conserve energy for the play.

The next big rehearsal is on Wednesday night. If children could be there for 6pm that would be great as we aim to start the play at 6.30pm.
You may want to keep an eye on the Greenock Telegraph this week as they are hopefully printing some picture from the rehearsals.

Tickets are selling very well but there will still be plenty of room for anyone who wishes to purchase tickets on the door on Thursday or Friday.
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