He went home and wrote his story and emailed it to us. It's great!
Well done Neil.

100 Word Story
by Neil
Michael groaned in utter terror. Why was he always in this predicament? His heart thumped like a hammer on overdrive and he could feel sweat oozing down his brow. Ominous footsteps were growing louder. “Come on, you’ll live,” Michael whimpered to himself, shaking violently. “Aye, right!” he replied. The first signs of madness were arriving along with his impending doom. The usually ‘fearless’ boy glanced around, vainly searching for refuge. None was offered. Closer…Closing in! A shadowy silhouette entered through the rusty metal door… “BOY!” yelled the monstrosity before him.
“Yes, Miss,” Michael sighed, “I know, it’s time for maths.”
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