After conducting some research we created a moodboard containing the main facts and events. Finally, we wrote our own, fictional account of the events, keeping the main facts correct.
Some of them came out very well.
The Gunpowder Plot
"Come in Mr Fawkes" "Hello Mr Catesby". You need help to assassinate the king. Yes I do I'm going to blow up the houses of parliament on the state opening because King James will be there.
The 13 of us rowed down the river Thames to store the gun powder. We had 20 barrels of gun powder and 16 spare. We placed the gunpowder in to the room we rented under neath the houses of parliament. We know it by the target.
"Today's the day boys" I said we are blowing them up. Suddenly a messenger galloped in on horse back and said the state opening has been moved to the 5 of November 1605. Why? I asked "because there has been a plague and the king is upset."
"Let's go boys "I said as we rowed down the river Thames.The state opening was in one hour, we arrived. Five minuets until the state opening one of guys sneaked up and told a guard what was about to happen. The guard came down but the others fled "oy you " said the guard I ran but I got caught.
To days the day I'm being hanged I can hear the clapping of the crowd. It's all because I was the bomb expert . "I'm not going to be hanged."
Suddenly I jump.
by Jack

The Gunpowder Plot
We crept down the dark ally. Waiting paitently for the right moment. Suddenly it came. We all ran out and made our way to the boat at the side of the river Thames.
We all got crammed on board and set off towards the old cottage beside the houses of parliament. Our boat was a almost sunk because of all the gunpowder on board. We crept round the corner and opened the low, wooden door. We went in to the house and walked down into the basement and along the secret passage into the basement of the houses of parliament. I, Guy Fawkes was in charge of the lighting of the fuse. Everyone left leaving me behind to do the last task. I waited and waited it seemed like hours and hours in fact it was only a couple of minutes. Then I saw King James coming and I got ready my hand had just lit the match when the door slammed open and I was dragged away.
I found myself in a cell in The Tower of London. Suddenly a solider came in and I heard the door slamming. He walked over to my cell. I heard someone else coming in after him but it was too dark and I couldn't see. Then the solider opened my cell and said "Here he is your highness". The other man stepped towards me,it was King James!
He started to ask me some questions about who was with me when we tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament. I not going to tell I thought to myself and I didn't at first but they tortured me and eventually I gave up. I told them everything. Eventually they decided what to do with me. I was sentenced to be hanged drawn and quartered.
I woke up in the morning today was the day. Oh well, I was just going to have to bear it. A guard walked into the dirty cell room. And unlocked my damp,dusty cell. He grabbed me by the arm and I was dragged out of the room. I walked out and I was tied to the horse and carriage and taken to the scaffold and they pulled the rope.
I said no more.
by Aimee

The Gunpowder Plot
As we pass the river the parliament was just at the right. We where talking about where the gunpowder is going to go. As we got off the boat we caught the king as he walked out to his cart. We ran across I was the only person to do this I felt sick what was going to happen. I unlocked the door I went down the basement put 12 gunpowders at each step and some gunpowder at the conners as my friends where distracting the guards. I thought I was really going to get caught.
Suddenly I heard guards coming down saying “watch that step we know he's in here!”
I hid beside the boxes.
“Ha ha, caught you your arrested for life and will be executed in 4 days!”
As I went in the cart I felt I was already tricked by my own friends.
I was up on the next morning felling really sick I was already going to die.
I decided I should make my own death. I opened the window. I said goodbye.
by Alexander Easdale
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